This week has been quite the productive week. I started potty training Jaxon on Monday which has gone fairly well. We bought a potty watch which reminds him when to go and plays fun songs. Jaxon has loved it and I would recommend it to anyone trying to potty train. We also made him a sticker chart so anytime he goes he gets a sticker. When he fills up the whole chart he gets a fish. He's been doing really well and I am excited to only have one kid in diapers. Claire has started taking steps this week. She takes a couple steps and then falls down and starts laughing. She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world. I give her a couple of weeks before she is walking everywhere. Being a mom is the greatest. I love watching the kids grow up and learn new things-even though I wish the time didn't go quite so fast! :)
5 days ago