Friday will go down in my book as one of the best days in our marriage. Jeff graduated from college....hooray!!! He got a B.S. in Business Management from UVU. It's been a long time coming and it's a day we've looked forward to with MUCH excitement. I'm loving that he doesn't have to go to class anymore, study for tests, or write papers.
The kids were good during the ceremony, a little restless at times, but they did good. We were grateful that my mom flew in to support Jeff at graduation. My grandparents were also at the graduation and was much appreciated.
Here are the pictures I took of Jeff getting his diploma...
The kids were good during the ceremony, a little restless at times, but they did good. We were grateful that my mom flew in to support Jeff at graduation. My grandparents were also at the graduation and was much appreciated.
Here are the pictures I took of Jeff getting his diploma...
The only problem...he wasn't wearing tan pants. Of course, once I noticed I was taking pictures of someone else, it was too late and Jeff had already received his diploma. Yeah, I'm a pretty awesome photographer. How many times do you graduate from college...yeah that's right....once! At least it gave us a good laugh.
Here are the pictures I took to redeem myself for missing the moment...
Jeff lookin' good in his graduation gear...
Even the cold weather couldn't put a damper on our mood that day....
Jeff and Kyle who became friends through classes and group projects...
I owe Jeff a huge thank you for sacrificing so much of his time to better himself and to better our lives. It wasn't easy, for any of us, but most of all for Jeff who juggled full-time school and full-time work. We didn't see much of him during the semesters, but I know it was worth it and we are enjoying having him back now. I will always be grateful and proud that he completed his degree. I'm glad that the kids saw him graduate and I hope they will know how important education is to our family. Thanks Honey and Congratulations!! I love you and appreciate all you do!