I know it's been a long time since I last blogged, but when I saw the last post was three months ago, I moved blogging up a notch in my list of priorities. It was one of the first things to go with the arrival of Chase. Not that life hasn't been crazy busy the last few months...I feel like I'm finally getting my head on straight. I started thinking of the reasons why I haven't blogged in the last few months and I realized how much has been going on and changed in our family these last few months. Here's a list: Jeff left Fidelity and started working with his Dad, Jeff and I had the opportunity to take over the running of the website My Giveaway Today, Chase was born, Jeff applied to Law School and got accepted for the 2011 school year in Ohio, an opportunity for Jeff to buy his own company came up and we had to decide between moving and going to Law School or staying put and buying a company (one of the hardest decisions we've had to make in our marriage...deciding between two really great options), Jeff turned down law school and purchased Clear Creek Field and Preservation(scarier than when we bought our house, but incredibly exciting as well), Jaxon started Kindergarten, Jaxon played Fall Baseball, Jeff coached Jaxon's baseball team, and Claire started Preschool. Life has been hectic, but so many good things have happened...things that I don't want to miss journaling about so I'm hoping this will get me going...and I have to admit it does feel good to be blogging again. So here's to making blogging a more important priority....