Since summer is ending all too quickly, I decided to do a top 10 list of my favorite things about summer. I am bummed that the summer is almost over (where has it gone). :( Since having kids it has become my favorite season--hot weather and all! I love it! So my first favorite thing about summer is Bear Lake. We have a tradition of going to Bear Lake over the 24th of July and over Labor Day. I've been going to Bear Lake at least once every summer since I was 10. There are countless good memories from being up there. I look so forward to our Bear Lake trips and am glad the tradition has stuck around. I hope that our kids will love it as much as I did growing up. We always celebrate my grandma's birthday over the 24th of July.
The kids had fun helping to blow out the candles.
We usually spend a couple days at the beach. We stop at the pool on the way back to the cabin and then spend the rest of the night relaxing and playing games--just my thing.
Jaxon's cousin and good buddy, McKay.
It's also a tradition to do a humanitarian project while we are up there and this year we made hygiene kits. Jaxon really got into putting them together while Claire preferred chewing through the bars of soap.
The kids love riding bikes and cars on the long driveway.
The boys were backing up their "truck" to pull the boat.

Jaxon's cousin and other good buddy Ty. Our kids are lucky to have such great cousins right around their own ages to play with and older cousins who are great at entertaining them.
Jeff and I always try and start a new book while we are there. This year I read The Book Thief which was excellent. Jeff read Hunger Games which he said he really liked. We love reading on the deck or the lawn and enjoying the nice view.
Claire was really into giving Dad hugs and kisses. Jaxon was trying to get away to drive the boat.
We had so much fun and it's always hard to leave Bear Lake. You can't help but enjoy it and the time you get to spend with family.
What a great idea to do your 10 favorite things about summer! I'm excited to read them all. I can't believe summer is almost gone already. Hopefully we'll have more time to hang out once everything slows down a bit.