Wednesday, October 21, 2009
St. George-Fall 2009
One of our favorite places to visit is St. George. Jeff's parents have a condo there so we try and go a few times a year. The last few trips, Jeff's mom has been able to come with us. We love being able to spend time with her. Two of our nephews also came with us-their parents were running in a race in Vegas. Here are the things that we look forward to the most.
Date night including dinner and movie--we went to Outback and 500 Days of Summer. Both were excellent! We love the quaint movie theater with the grand piano playing and the after movie mints.
We hit In-N-Out twice this trip (no pictures-thankfully). Swimming is always a must for the kids everyday. I was able to get my hair done one of the days while Jeff took the kiddos swimming. Have I ever mentioned how much I love getting my hair done!On Sunday, we enjoyed some good time with our little family at the temple. It is a beautiful building and we love walking through the visitor centers.
Jaxon and Claire loved picking out a cake for Grandma. Her birthday wasn't for a few weeks, but since she'll still be in St. George, we decided to surprise her.
We had a GREAT time and look forward to doing at all again in six months or so!!
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