Little Bee was a book I really enjoyed until the last page...the book was a little on the depressing side with uplifting moments throughout. It's about a refugee girl from Nigeria who ends up in the UK. It is an interesting story with some pretty shocking twists. I have read few books about refugees, so it was both interesting and hard to see what their lives are like. The book made me feel SO blessed to live where I do and to have the life I do...certain things happen in the book that would be my worst nightmare....it's hard to imagine that things like that happen to people in real life, but I know that they do and that makes me so sad for them. It made my life seem incredibly easy....on a daily basis, I worry about getting the house cleaned, cooking dinner, making sure my kids get enough attention....not anything close to wondering if I will survive to see the next day. It put things into perspective for me and made me grateful for the things that really do matter in life. I would recommend this book to most....it definitely left an impression on me and will be a book not soon forgotten.
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