We had a wonderful week celebrating the holidays this year . Jeff's parent's rented a house in Midway for the week and my parents came up from Arizona. When we weren't in Midway, we were spending time with my family.
On Christmas Eve, everyone opened a gift and we read Christmas stories and shared a favorite Christmas memory.
Claire looks excited for those p.j.'s! She was a little under the weather and ended up with double ear infections the day after Christmas.
Jeff took this picture from above before we started opening gifts. We were with Jeff's parents and his sister's family:
Even though Santa brought Toby early this year, he still found them Christmas morning. Claire got a new doll stroller, but she was more interested in opening every present. It didn't matter what was in it, she just liked the unwrapping.
Every time Jaxon opened a gift he would say, "that's just what I wanted."

The rest of Christmas Day we spent at my sister's house. The kids exchanged gifts and we had a great time being together with my parents and my family.

I loved the time we spent in Midway--the town has such a great Christmas feel to it. Some of the highlights at Midway were swimming at the Homestead,
Going out to eat with the adults at an authentic Mexican restaurant, eating a delicious Italian dinner on New Year's Eve, and playing games at the house. The kids had a great time being with their cousins. I don't think Toby went more than 10 minutes without being held up there. I was so glad that my parents came up this year for Christmas. We miss them being here, but it makes it all the more fun to see them. We had many chances to see them between family parties and get togethers. It's always hard to see them go back. We made some wonderful memories!
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