Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Jeff's Birthday!
Every year for Jeff's birthday, we stay at a hotel in Salt Lake. We stayed at the Hyatt this year which is right next to the Gateway. The highlight was seeing the movie Avatar in 3D. We went to the 11:59 Thursday night showing and both thoroughly enjoyed it. We also enjoyed shopping and eating at Tucanos. It is one of the weekends that I look forward to the most and this year did not disappoint. We had a great time! Thanks to our families for watching our kids!The actual day of his birthday we took the kids to the Training Table--a favorite of Jeff's and Jaxon's. Jeff had to work so we did the cake and singing before lunch. Jaxon and Claire helped me decorate his cake and the house. Jax wanted to buy party hats. I'm grateful for the kids and how much fun they make everything! We love you Honey and hope you had a great Birthday!!
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