Last week we celebrated Claire's second birthday. It brings back so many wonderful memories. I remember holding her for the first time and thinking how perfect she was. I remember the name Kennedy we had picked out and how it didn't fit her at all. I remember Jeff coming up with the name Claire and me not being completely sure about it, but going with it just before we left the hospital. I remember how quickly Claire and her name won me over. She has brought us so much joy and we all love our little Clairebear! She has such a special relationship with her daddy, her brother, and her mommy. I started looking at pictures of her over the past two years and thought it would be fun to post some of my favorites.

When I look at the first picture of her the day we brought her home from the hospital and the picture below, I can't believe how much she has grown up and become a little girl. I love the age she is at, but it's always sad to realize how fast the time has gone and that you can't have those years back. Claire fills our house with excitement, laughter, and love. She looks up to her big brother and copies much of what he does. She has really started talking and will say just about everything. I am so grateful to have such an amazing, beautiful daughter and I look forward to many more memories and birthdays!
We took the kids to Carl's Jr. and the mall for her birthday. She loves to ride the train and says, "All aboard" whenever she sees it. She loves playing with her new dollhouse. She also got a big girl bed which she is still learning to like.
You guys have the most adorable kids.