Back in October, my sister-in-law asked if I wanted to be in a craft group. There are 13 people in the group and everyone makes a 3-5 dollar craft. You meet together and exchange the crafts. I wasn't going to do it since I don't consider myself to be very crafty. I figured I would be trying to come up with something the week before and would be stressed out about it. But on a whim I decided to do it-I figured I would at least get another 12 crafts that would make it worth it. The date for the exchange was February so I had a good 4 months to come up with an idea and complete it. I started searching the internet for inexpensive craft ideas and realized how many great ideas there are. I tried two different crafts before finding the one I wanted to make. There were many other ideas that I want to go back and make some time soon. I finally decided on making some XO frames for Valentine's Day. The hardest part about my craft was finding frames. I had to get them at the dollar store, but each dollar store only had one or two frames. This meant a lot of trips around town, but once I had the frames they went fairly quickly. The only other things I needed were marble beads, scrap paper, and E6000 glue. Here are some pictures of the complete project. In true Amy fashion, I was finishing up the night before the exchange, but I got them done and I was happy with the result. I found the idea at

It was so much fun exchanging them and I was so glad I decided to be a part of it. One of the ladies said it's like Christmas morning. I came away with homemade vanilla, JOY letters, a cake plate, an America and a Love banner, four different V-day decorations, a pancake bowl w/kitchen towel, cookie holders, and hair accessories. The best part was coming home and decorating my house with new V-day decorations! I am looking forward to doing it again next year!
Amy I love the XOXO letters. They are super cute. Looks like you are crafty now:)